Saturday, August 31, 2019

‘One Flesh’ by Elizabeth Jennings and ‘I wanna be yours’ by John Cooper Clarke Essay

‘One flesh’ by Elizabeth Jennings has the overall impression after reading the poem that it is about 2 old people who have grown apart from being with each other for so long. It is written in 1st person, by one of their children, who is observing them ‘lying apart’ It is visible that one of the descendants is telling the poem from lines such as ‘whose fire from which I came’ and ‘these two who are my father and mother’. Their child will now be an adult as references that refer to the couple as being ‘old’ suggest this. ‘Do they know they’re old’. This person is telling the poem in 1st person and is visible from words such as ‘my’ and ‘I’. But however in ‘One Flesh’ the emotions of the child are not about them, it is about a 3rd person, but still it is written in 1st person. ‘I wanna be yours’ by John Cooper Clarke is a poem regarding a person expressing their love for someone. The poem consists of a great number of metaphors and similars to express the way he feels. He uses these literary devices to show that he ‘wanna be yours’ even if he is just an everyday item such as a ‘ford cortina’ or a simple ‘raincoat’. From words such as ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’ it is apparent that the poem ‘I wanna be yours’ is written in 1st person. This allows the author to express his thoughts and emotions directly from him and not through another person e.g. 3rd person. Individually both poems are about expressing an opinion about relationships. The relationship in ‘One Flesh’ may be coming to an end, but the relationship in ‘I wanna be yours’ is coming together. As both poems regard relationship, it is obvious that love associates with them. Both the poems refer to love, passion and emotion indirectly. ‘One flesh’ uses the comparison of fire to love in the line ‘whose fire from which I came’. This line also explains that the person revealing the situation within the poem, is a child of the two lovers. Within ‘I wanna be yours’ a line such as ‘that’s how deep is my emotion’ reveals how much the author cares for the person the poem is directed towards. The attitudes of the writers are hugely different. As the writer of ‘I wanna be yours; wants someone for their self, the writer of ‘one flesh’ is concerned about the relationship and well being of their parents. The attitude, which expresses itself in the title ‘I wanna be yours’, is a selfish attitude, as the author wants that person whatever the consequences. This is visible in ‘take me with you anywhere’. However, at the same time, a loving and thoughtful attitude is presence from lines such as ‘you get cold without’ and ‘with deep devotion’. The poem ‘I wanna be yours’ utilises many metaphors and similars in the poem to signify that he wants to be hers even if he is just an ‘electric heater’. ‘One flesh’ includes half rhyme, which is inconsistent. This inconsistency deliberately relates to the inconsistency in the sex within their relationship. ‘Strangely apart, yet strangely close together’ is a metaphors in ‘One Flesh’ which shows how they are emotionally apart, but they are physically close together within the house. ‘Whose fire from which I came, has now grown cold’. The fire expresses that once they were passionate lovers and produced a child, but ‘grown cold’ expresses that they are no longer passionate. The author uses metaphors in ‘I wanna be yours’ to express his feelings such as ‘deep as the deep atlantic ocean that’s how deep is my emotion’ By using the depth of the atlantic ocean to compare to his devotion, he express love. Repetition is used to create a beat to the poem ‘deep deep deep deep de deep deep’. It is also re informing how deep his devotion is. Overall ‘One flesh’ is about a relationship that has already occurred, and ‘I wanna be yours’ is about a relationship that is at the beginning where there is a lot of passion.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Globalization and Everyday Life Essay

Globalization and Everyday Life Geographic boarders of nation states become less relevant as beliefs, traditions, and customs permeate and are accepted, practiced, and implemented across various societies and cultural arenas. Globalism deals with issues on a geopolitical scope and scale, in which the influence of one culture effects, directly or indirectly, affects the dynamic of other cultures or societies. The evolution of communication and travel has brought down the logistical barriers, once imposed by these forms of communication. Globalizations effects give our collective existence a new perspective and sheds light on both the positive and negative implications of individual and collective actions. Sociologists and governments can no longer ignore smaller or what they deemed to be insignificant components in the framework of globalization. A prime example, as illustrated in the text, is the international trade and commerce. If we Americans analyzed everything we own or buy, we would probably realize that >50 percent of these material goods are produced in other areas of the world. Globalization and Mass Media Everyone’s life is influenced by everyone else. Globalization of mass media has had a dramatic influence on in many cultures. One need not visit or live in a certain part of the world to emulate or adopt styles, behaviors, or traditions of another culture. The stronger the global ties becomes between various cultures the more interdependent they become. Commodities and Globalization The first example covered in the text, with regards to globalization, is coffee production and consumption. We as Americans consume 1/5 of the world’s production of coffee. Coffee is the centerpiece of many social settings and gatherings. It is incorporated into our daily activities as commonly as we brush our teeth in the morning. This commodity is usually produced in some of the poorest countries in the world. The people of these countries can be directly dependent on the benefits derived from the sale of  the coffee bean. If we as Americans decided to drink more water and less coffee we could directly impact the livelihoods of thousands of people. The small example elucidates the dramatic potential effects of globalization. Globalization and Entertainment The cross cultural availability of music, movies, books, and other forms of entertainment has had dramatic effects on many societies and cultures. Artists from different countries can collaborate through many means of communications; internet, satellite feeds, etc. to produce music that has an international blend or flair. This new music can influence moods and behaviors. Stimulation from sales can effectively change an individual’s financial situation, which could change their whole social dynamic. Globalism and International Tourism and Travel Many years ago the majority of people traveled of necessity and not recreation, because of the related expense, hassle, and danger involved. With the modernization of travel people can virtually come and go as they please. Traveling brings about the socialization and societal interaction. Friendships, business, and familial alliances can be the result. This facet of globalization can have dramatic economic influences, which can change people’s lives dramatically. Travel brings people together. The after-result of these encounters can be either positive or negative. Either way, globalization provides the medium for such changes. And the experiences can enrich a person and bring cultural awareness to the forefront. Globalization and Drug Trafficking The influences and availability of illicit drugs has been impacted by globalization. The untoward said effects of such activities are witnessed every day. Millions of dollars are spent and made, both in trying to prevent and in the sale of illegal drugs. The social costs can be equally as high. Murder, robbery, assault, and a death, can be direct or indirect consequences of such actions. These problems affect not only the people  directly involved, but also affect people indirectly. If the crime in one area necessitates an increased police presence, my city taxes may go up. If my costs go up I have less to spend on things for myself, such as new shoes. The people that depend on me to buy new shoes feel the secondary economic impact of this scenario. This small process, when magnified on a grander scale, can affect thousands of people across the globe. Throughout the text additional topics are discussed concerning and globalization and everyday life. The women’s movement, immigration, democracy, deindustrialization, and education, just a list of few, are some of the themes discussed. All of these factors play key roles in the evolution of globalization. Each helps to create changes in social interactions between individuals and entire societies. The positive and untoward effects of globalization will forever change the way in which we act and react to changes that occur in our lives as we continue to exist on a planet that is in a constant state of social flux.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Review of Part 3 of Omnivore’s Dilemma

Review of Part 3 of The Omnivore’s Dilemma ENGL-135 Advanced Composition Professor Edmondson William McGuire In Part 3, Chapters 15, 16, and 17 of The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Michael Pollan explores looking foraging for different foods, the ethics of hunting animals and harvesting the meat from them, and giving a brief look into what brought about the paradox of The Omnivore’s Dilemma.Chapters 15, 16, and 17 bring up a lot of good points about foraging and hunting and Pollan provides through detail and research on the topics, but upon reading these chapters you find it lacking content that will keep you engaged and the material can be pretty dry at times while you get a little bit of disorganization from random topics. Chapter 15 of Omnivore's Dilemma was a short chapter on how Pollan is preparing to make a meal from all of the foraging groups. Fruits, vegetables, fungi, and meat were the components that made up this meal, he wanted to find and gather enough from eac h group to make his first.Pollan had just moved to California, so his unfamiliarity with the area was a disadvantage, so he decided to hire a companion to help him on his quest. Chapter 16 takes the reader to a different venue, Pollan discusses the beginnings of The Omnivore’s Dilemma through a research paper that was written in 1976 by Paul Rozin and titled The Selection of Foods by Rats, Humans, and Other Animals. Pollan expresses how similar we are to rats that we are omnivores, but unlike rats, we have lost our instinct of choosing food and follow advertisements as our guide.He then goes on to suggest that the problems stem from capitalistic gains and the pursuit of revenue. In chapter 17 we are taken back to Pollan on his foraging quest he started in chapter 15. This chapter looks more at the ethics of hunting and eating animals that are not processed in processing plants like we are so use to seeing. Pollan brings up reasoning on why he is a meat eater and battles with the struggle on if eating meat at a steakhouse is morally right and ethical. He goes into detail about the way the animal lived and if the animal had a long, happy, humane life.The author concludes that if we look away from how the animal goes from being on the farm to a freezer in the supermarket then people turn vegetarian and if we can’t look away then we have to find a way to accept it and determine if the animal endured a lifetime of suffering. Part 3 in the book meets two out of the three common expectations and displays some strong descriptive wording to give you a sense of imagery when you read certain parts of the book as well as give you a good understanding on the point he is trying to get across.An example of one of the statements that he uses to paint a picture for you and try to bring you there is â€Å"I began to notice things. I noticed the soft yellow globes of chamomile edging the path I hiked most afternoons, and spotted clumps of miner’s lettuce of f in the shade (Claytonia, a succulent coin-shaped green I had once grown in my Connecticut garden) and wild mustard out in the sun. (Angelo called it rapini, and said the young leaves were delicious sauteed in olive oil and garlic. ) There were blackberries in flower and the occasional edible bird: a few quail, a pair of doves. (Pollan, pg. 285) Another strength in this book is the subject matter that pertains to what the author is trying to convey to the reader, Pollan is trying to show the readers that the way we use to obtain and eat food is ever changing and will continue to change and we are easy to influence as it pertains to our diets, he does well in keeping to the theme of his book. The weaknesses of Part 3 cover two of the three common expectations and they are the lack of engagement for the reader and the order in which the subject matter is presented.This book is not tailored for someone who loves to read fantasy or action, something that will leave you hanging on the e dge of your seat wanting more. Instead what you get is someone detailing his experiences and research that supports a lot of his ideas, ethics of eating animals, and corn sex, alas no explosions or protagonist/antagonist struggle. I found myself dozing off a few times feeling like I was in an agriculture lecture or biology class.The subject matter is laid out well in some parts of the book, but Pollan jumps around a lot with the material, for instance, in chapter 15 he is foraging for food then chapter 16 is about a research article that gave him inspiration to write The Omnivore’s Dilemma, and then chapter 17 is about his moral conflict of eating steak at a steakhouse and whether or not the animal had to suffer to get to his plate. I think the book needs some improvement in this regard so the author is not jumping to different topics at random.In The Omnivore’s Dilemma, the author Michael Pollan is somewhat successful in satisfying the common expectations for the chap ters I have read, one of the expectations is both a strength and a weakness for this part of the book. I think that the book as a whole does not satisfy the common expectations with the big one being engagement, there will be people who are interested in this book but it is only a small facet of the readers out there today. The book does deliver on the use of imagery and the subject matter stays on topic most of the time and supports his ideas and theories.Later on in part 3 in the next three chapters he goes on the hunt and he elaborates on the history of pigs that are not native to California and his feelings after the kill. He then finds some wild mushrooms to pair with the meat he has acquired from harvesting the pig and talks about his adventures trying to find non-poisonous mushrooms; and the final chapter presents the author preparing the meal with all of the components he has foraged for and harvested. Works Cited Pollan, M. (2006). The Omnivore's Dilemma. New York, New York : Penguin Books.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Separation of Church and State Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Separation of Church and State - Thesis Example Many scholars argue that either there has been the separation of State and Church or there never was a connection between the State and the Church in the American history. Mythological studies show that a nationalistic religion is slowly emerging amongst the Americans. Separationist advocate for complete separation of the Church from the religion. They argue that the State should not involve itself in religious matter. They feel that any involvement of the State on the religious matter would eventually lead to preference of certain Churches by the State (Allen 1-4). Accomodationists support involvement of the State on religious matters. However, they argue that the State should avoid sponsoring a certain religion. They believe that if the State supported religion, the move would foster religion in the United States (Allen1-5). Allen (1) argues, â€Å"[t]here has always been a close connection between Church and State, as revealed by the religious use of myths, mantras, and mandates that reveal a nationalistic religion that has wavered between the secular and the sacred.† Religious leaders often quote ancient mythical descents of mantras when describing the relation between Church and State. Mantras, such as chosen nation emerged during the Puritan period, resulted in conceptions that the Church and the State were inseparable (Allen 4-7). The phrase â€Å"separation of Church and State† has a long history. It first emerged during John F. Wilson’s reign. During this period, Church-State issues were interconnected and were considered more of theological-religious issues. The Church issues were thus incorporated in the constitution which resulted in the never-ending debates regarding the Church and State. The disagreement over the separation between the Church and State became evident during periods of religious awakenings and revivals.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Epitome of Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Epitome of Democracy - Essay Example This explains why despite the country being economically stable, the number of people who can afford health insurance is very small. There is an ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor with the poor being majority about 80% (Behrouzi,  16). The wealth of the country is controlled by a small group of people who are about 20% and who also with the current state of political development have control in the political system. It is a shame that a country that is so developed has people languishing in poverty, some are homeless and there are high levels of unemployment even among the educated population. Although people with degrees have a greater chance of getting better jobs, they also have their challenge of dealing with student debt (Iek, 1). Education has become very expensive. In order to overcome the eminent problems facing the country, there is need to change the political system. This paper investigates the problems in the American systems of governance and gives the sug gestion of the changes that should be implemented. Here is the doubt that the American political system is dysfunctional. The existing systems have become obsolete. Creation of jobs is very slow and only a few people benefit from reforms that the government institutes than many. There is no doubt that there exists huge inequalities between the haves and have not’s. However, despite the fact that American system of democracy and capitalism is to some extent to blame for the current state of affairs, this does not mean that they should be completely done with. America reached its status of being global leading economy because of practicing capitalism. Capitalism encouraged people to work hard to gather wealth and this led to the growth of the countries economy (Marx, Karl & Friedrich Engels, 245).

Great place to work Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Great place to work - Assignment Example The automobile industry products are cars, sports utility vehicles, light commercial vehicles, heavy trucks, pickup trucks, buses, and recreational vehicles. The size of both industries can be analyzed with the help of the target market of each industry. The target market of the airline industry is usually the niche market. However, the industry also offers their services to the economy class. On the other hand, the automobile industry is targeting the niche as well as mass market. For the automobile industry, the vehicle regulations are the most crucial element for managing activities and processes. The reason is that the automobile industry must satisfy the requirements of vehicle regulations and other environmental and safety concerns. On the contrary, the airline industry faces many regulatory environmental issues. It is because the airline industry is one of those industries that get affected by the change in international and domestic regulatory environment. The economic condition of the airline industry has improved after the recent financial crisis because it is generating high profits with the help of high fares by providing high-quality services. However, it remains as one of the most volatile industries. On the other side, the economic conditions of the automobile industry are also improving with the use of the latest and new technologies in the automobile products. The company mission is to innovate and imagination to the future. The company mission is showing that there is need of some strategies that will help the company to make it easier for achieving the goal. Future plans of the company are required to build so that the company will move forward to increase its efficiency. The need of change in the human resource management will bring a change in the company. â€Å"We are constantly re-examining our capabilities and processes to ensure that our company is as strong and vital as our heritage. In fact, our culture mirrors

Monday, August 26, 2019

Economic evaluation as a perspective in evaluating health program Term Paper

Economic evaluation as a perspective in evaluating health program - Term Paper Example In addition, the cost of health care is assuming a larger role in clinical policymaking. Even wealthy nations, squeezed between the Scylla of exponential technology growth and the Charybdis of shrinking health care resources must make hard choices about which technologies they can afford (Gold et al, 2007). Economic evaluation is a methodology that is being used increasingly to help clinicians and policymakers think about these hard choices. Economic evaluation is the â€Å"comparative analysis of alternative courses of action in terms of both their costs and consequences† (Drummond et al, 2005). When measuring the effects of health programs on both resource consumption and health, economic evaluation allows us to see how much health care â€Å"bang† we are getting for our â€Å"buck.† Over the last 20 years the number of published CEAs has grown exponentially, particularly in clinical journals. Insurers, health maintenance organizations (HMOs), and regional and national governments are showing an increasing interest in the results of CEAs, particularly in the area of pharmaceuticals. Economic evaluation has matured as a scientific discipline. In this brief review we discuss some of the characteristics and uses of economic evaluation and provide direction for those who wish to learn more. Full economic evaluations are always comparative. No treatment is ever â€Å"cost-effective† in isolation. It is always more or less so in relation to some other treatment, even if the alternate treatment is to â€Å"do nothing.† Even doing nothing has health and cost consequences that must be considered (Ketley, 2009). What programs should be compared? In their work on the subject, Zweifel and his colleagues (2009) states that economic evaluation ideally includes all potential and mutually exclusive programs for a defined population. Thus an ideal economic evaluation of colorectal cancer

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Promotion Strategy for Lululemon Research Paper

Promotion Strategy for Lululemon - Research Paper Example Over the years the segment of women’s athletic wear has been majorly neglected. Just like any other form of clothing women sports-wear is very different from men’s. The Lululemon logo depicts the consumer’s health consciousness and their affinity to an elite club of enlightened people who wear similar clothing. According to Nelson (2011) Lululemon’s real genius relies on their Blue-Ocean strategy, which means to create demand in markets where competition is low instead of fighting for a share in a competitive market. So Lululemon emerged as a retailer that targets this niche of women’s athletic wear, and over the years has managed to grab a notable share in the 15 billion USD market for women’s fitness clothing (Helliker, 2010). Lululemon is the first clothing retailer to have adopted the Salon Business Model—which implies that like-minded body and fashion conscious women get together (Nelson, 2011). The main purpose of such a model is to bring together like-minded people who would work together for mutual benefit that would transcend the benefit from the economic transaction. Lululemon started off with niche marketing and was not intended to be mass marketed. The target market of the brand is the affluent, figure-conscious and stylish women (George, 2006, para. 7). Direct Marketing and Personal Selling Lululemon spends very little on promoting the brand through mass media, perhaps occasionally in magazines and newspapers. Lululemon has used â€Å"brand ambassadors† for the promotion of their brands, these ambassadors and not salaried employees but in fact peers or opinion leader that are given $1000 worth of free apparel in exchange for modeling the brand for their clients (Helliker, 2010). Lululemon calls it a stealth strategy not marketing—that has minimum cost and maximum impact. This is a very unique marketing strategy that clearly distinguishes Lululemon from competitors like Nike and Adidas, who spend million in celebrity endorsements. Lululemon has included ambassadors in areas of running, weight-training and men. The men’s fitness wear is also a very rapidly growing segment for Lululemon but still accounts for less than 20% of total sales (Helliker, 2010). According to Kurtz, MacKenzie and Snow, each Lululemon store across the globe has its own promotional strategy which is specific to that area. This could be in the form of painting their store front or covering their windows with slogans. The store hosts their own free yoga classes and store employees are referred to as educators. The company invests extensively in the recruitment and training of these store employees, because eventually these employees play an important role in the promotion of the brand. Personal selling has been greatly influenced with the emergence of e-commerce and the internet. It enables the manufacturer to establish databases and CRM systems to better meet the needs of the customers a nd gather extensive data about them at the same time (Kerin, p253). Internet plays a vital role as consumer promotions are deeply integrated with online product offerings, this can be done so using micro-sites and even email marketing approaches that reach directly to customers at almost no cost (Kerin, p253). Customers can sign-up for

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Internet and Technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Internet and Technology - Research Paper Example As such, this paper shall briefly discuss the functional and social benefits of the Internet, and then move on to elucidating its social disadvantages. In the end, this paper aims to reinforce its thesis that while the Internet has its positive social benefits, it should not be replaced with real, face-to-face social interactions. Benefits of the Internet The primary advantages of the Internet are rooted in its nature as a digital communication medium. In this regard, it can be claimed that the common benefits of the Internet may be grouped either as functional or social. There are three common functional benefits of the Internet. Firstly, the Internet allows for an easier and more comfortable access to a vast number of information second (Brey 4). As an example, through the presence of various search engines like Google and Yahoo! Search, people from all over the globe can access pertinent information about any topic in less than a second. This helps in enhancing people’s cog nitive skills. Secondly, The Internet makes it possible for people to efficiently and effectively transfer information (Brey 4). For example, with the increasing popularity of blog sites and social networking sites, almost anyone can create or disseminate online contents to their contacts or subscribers. Such maintains high level of awareness and interest on the most pressing societal issues. Lastly, the Internet facilities various communication formats among individuals from all parts of the globe. Examples of these formats include one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many communication. Through this, freedom of expression is protected and practiced by giving every user a chance to impart his or her insights on the common societal happenings. On the other hand, there are four common social benefits of the Internet. Firstly, it helps develop and maintain good social relations. This usually happens when the Internet is used as a tool of communication for those who wish to maintain th eir closeness with their loved ones. For example, Skype is bridges communication gap by ensuring real-time communication. Secondly, the Internet contributes in the community formation and social organization by uniting people with same interests and likes. For example, there are various websites that cater to ‘passion groups’ like dancers, painters, and what not. As such, it often provides a fresh new approach for individuals to build and enhance social movements. Thirdly, the Internet also assists in one’s identity formation and psychological development by helping them ‘be what they really are’. In this sense, Internet’s capacity to allow for anonymity gives more freedom to the users. Lastly, the Internet paves the way for a better understanding not only of one’s culture, but of the culture of others, too. In this regard, through the vast information that are present in the Internet, anyone can search about history and art, allowing o ne to appreciate various cultural symbols and norms. Disadvantages of the Internet The Internet also has its share of negative effects to people and societies at large. Obviously, depending on the intention of its users, the Internet may be used to destroy one’s reputation and dignity. The primary disadvantage happens when online interaction is being replaced with tangible, face-to-face relationships. For example, when a person decides to engage more in online communication rather than real communication, he will slowly develop

Friday, August 23, 2019

Linguist studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Linguist studies - Essay Example The external and internal conjunctive relations of both texts were analyzed by means of a conjunctive reticulum (See Appendix). The analysis of conjunctive relations shows a combination of two kinds of logical relations. The positive review is mainly held together by extending relations of addition (in general, by the conjunction and). The enhancing relations play an important role as well, since there are many time and causal conjunctions. For example: According to Eggins (1994), the enhancing relations represent the typical narrative pattern, where the narrator concerns on when things happened and why. It is important to note that a movie review has a narrative and expositive character as well. It is narrative when the plot is introduced, and expositive, when the reviewer expresses his opinion on the film and describes the positive and negative aspects of a movie. Similarly, the negative review alternates between extension and enhancement, with more focus on the last one. The plot of the movie has less space in the review, since the reviewer remarks the movie features that he did not find appropriate, by comparing with other films and The Simpsons TV show. Therefore, causal and comparative conjunctions are often used. The logical relations derive basically from an external organization of the text in both reviews. The events beyond the text (i.e. movie, actors, writers, directors) are linked by external conjunctions. At the same time, most of the relations are stamped explicitly, rather than left for the reader to decode. It is important to note that most of the internal relations are implicit, that is, the reader must interpret the internal organization of the text. Implicit elaborating relations (expressed by that is, or in fact), typical of the internal organization, could be identified in the analyzed texts. In a broad sense, both texts represent the same field: a present-day movie. The specific topic of each one is the movie concerned by the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Of mice and men Comparison Essay Example for Free

Of mice and men Comparison Essay Of mice and men by John Steinbeck- Consider the character of crooks. How does he contribute to our understanding of the society in which he lives? This essay will answer the question above. I will be looking at the character Crooks and the society and the racial issues at that time. I will also look into the American dream of the majority. John Steinbeck was born in 1902 in Salinas, California, and many of his novels are set in this part of America. Before his career as a writer began, Steinbeck worked as a construction labourer and a caretaker. His first novel Cup of Gold was published in 1929. Of Mice and Men was published in 1939. He died at the age of 66 in 1968. In this paragraph, I will describe the character of Crooks and some of the difficulties faced by the racial minority. Crooks is a Black-American who stands out to the other ranch-men. He has a crooked back, where he has been kicked by a horse. He is known by many names, like the stable-buck negro or nigger. In the time where Crooks was living, Americans treated the Black-Americans very differently because they were niggers. The black people where not allowed in white areas, even though it wasnt a law, it was made this way, but there where laws of the segregation of the black and white people. In the ranch, it was exactly the same, Crooks wasnt allowed in the other ranch peoples bunk house to play blackjack or rummy I aint wanted in the bunk-house and you aint wanted in my room (page 72). He just had to sleep in the barn by himself; he had no rights, except the choice of invitation of his room. He is only allowed to play horse shoes with the other ranch workers because he is so good at it. Although C1rooks is part of the lowest chain of respect, he knows himself as a proud aloof man; he doesnt care what the others say about him. As Crooks is the only black man in the ranch, he has no rights at all, he didnt even have an identity, he was known as Crooks because his real name was not important to the ranch workers. Ku Klux Klan is the name of a number of past and present organisations in America that believed in white supremacy, anti-Semitism, racism and anti-Catholicism. These organisations promoted violence and terrorism, sometimes intimidation like burning a cross. The Klan was founded 1866, it mainly focused on intimidating people, but rapidly adapted to violent methods. This is what happens to crooks as he becomes intimidated and abused by other ranch workers. . A quick reaction set in as the Klans leader left, by the early 1870s. Crooks had a book in his room called the California Civil Code, this tells him what rights he has and what rights he doesnt have, he does this so he can avoid being lynched. Every American worker has an American dream, the base of this is respect the people working in the ranch want to have their own ranch, people working for them and some nice crops. Crooks dream is to be treated equally, and to be respected. Candy wants to relax for his last few years and seeks the opportunity in George and Lennies dream which is to have a big vegetable patch and a rabbit-hutch and some chickens (page 15), Curleys wife wants to star in the movies, wear nice clothes and be rich. All their dreams are quite similar as they all want something for their own and also respect. What Crooks really wants is equality; he wants to be treated as another human being and not differently and to have friends. I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an he gets sick. (Page 77) There are many characters that have disabilities in the story, these people are: Crooks, Candy, Lennie and Curleys wife, these people are affected in their own way. Crooks disability is none other than being black and his crooked back, he has to have his own room in the smelly, cramped barn, and he cannot go to the bunk house and play rummy with the white characters. Lennie has a mental disability which makes him different from the other characters because he still has a mind of a child; this affects him as the others underestimate him. Curleys wife is the only female at the barn, she cannot do the things the boys can do, she is also controlled by Curley as she is a woman because men had more power than women in the past, this mean that she couldnt do what she wanted to do. Candy has the disadvantage of being old, the other guys think that he is useless, he stays behind and cleans up the bunk house, he has also lost a hand which makes that others think of him more useless. This shows us that he is not the only one which is different to the ranch workers. Crooks contributes to our understanding of the society of which he lives by showing us how he lives in separation and inequality, he cannot do any of the things that the white people do, he doesnt even sleep in the same place as them as they think he stinks. The also refer to him as the nigger because he is not respected enough to be called by he real name.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Soldiers and Policemen Essay Example for Free

Soldiers and Policemen Essay Soldiers and police officers both have an impact on the environment around them. Some the impacts made by these professions differ. In spite of these differences, the amount of similarities between the two is surprisingly large. Each job has the person serving their country, risking their lives for others. Each have difficult decisions to make constantly while performing their duties. The differences between these two start to become apparent when you take a closer look at them however. Soldiers are deployed worldwide, whereas police serve in a local manner. Regardless of the differences, both have a strong impact on the community they are serving in. An undeniable similarity shared by soldiers and policemen is that they are serving the country and keeping it safe. Regardless of the task, it is in some way benefitting the country. Brian Doyle, in The Knock, wrote about his friend’s job, â€Å"A friend has two jobs in our town: policeman and soldier. In both, he is the guy who knocks on the doors to tell mothers and fathers, wives and husbands that their son or daughter, wife or husband is dead.† This job is not the exciting, shoot-‘em-up version conjured in our minds. This is one of the more wearing of professions a person can do. The impact made by Doyle’s friend is gigantic. Delivering devastating news is an impossible task to do without crushing someone. With this news comes the impact that they have. The ripple effect is a perfect example to explain how it affects the community. At the start the ripples are large, and the pain is fresh. Over time the ripples shrink in size, and the pain begins to scar over. Patriotism is another similarity between a soldier and police officer. In no way will someone willingly enroll into service without being patriotic. Risking your life on a country you do not love is not a part of human nature. Respect goes along with patriotism. Due to the fact you represent these people represent their country their actions are rarely inappropriate for a situation, gaining much respect for this. Manners are also apparent from policemen a nd soldiers. When delivering painful news, hats are respectfully taken off. â€Å"I remove my hat, make sure the person is sitting, and deliver the message (Doyle 108).† In the most caring manner Doyle’s friend knew he delivered the news. The example set when you see these soldiers and policemen in public is obvious. The way they are perceived is as a respectful being. A difference between policemen and soldiers is the uniform they wear. Doyle’s quoting his friend who stated that, â€Å"When I wear my Army uniform, people know immediately why I am there†¦ (Doyle 109)† The message when seeing a soldier at your door is much different than seeing a policeman. The way we have come to perceive soldiers are as bearers of bad news. When at home and a soldier you don’t recognize is at the door he comes often to bring news of death. The lack of a soldier in uniform at an airport also impacts the people who are expecting to see their loved one. When seeing a soldier in uniform there is another feeling besides sadness that is often felt: gratitude. Often times when soldiers at an airport come home, they will come home to the noise of hands coming together; celebrating them and the sacrifices they made for each person of the country. Another difference between these two professions is the area that they cover. Soldiers are an international force. County lines are unable to hinder a soldier on a mission. Their differences are made all around the world, creating many different experiences for the people around them. Again the example of a ripple on the pond may come into play. In the areas of war soldiers are at their busiest. A soldier’s ability determines how they will impact their direct environment. Soldiers, as the one in Doyle’s book, will tell you that, â€Å"It is a difficult job and wears you down (Doyle 109).† Being the change in the world is a burden that they have to bare. In continuance concerning the differences, Doyle has written, â€Å"†¦if I am a policeman, it could be anything (Doyle 109).† The reasons of a policeman coming to your door can have a multitude of ways to change your outlook on them. Depending on how you perceive a policeman from the start is another way that will determine how you interact with them. When driving down the road and a police car is in view you will notice a rise in the amount of brake lights you see. The impact on people around an officer is to influence them to be more lawful. Regarding the brake lights, it is because with the presence of a squad car they slowed to the proper speed. As a policeman you will stay busy helping to improve the environment. When asked about how busy Doyle’s friend is he stated, â€Å"†¦ I still make more calls as a policeman (Doyle 109).† Due to the fact that they are so restricted in their area they have jurisdiction over they are responsible for handling many more crimes. The versatility of an officer speaks volumes for the way they are able to be perceived as changing the surroundings. There is no doubt that police officers and soldiers impact the environments around themselves. Each has their own way of going about their missions. In the end each profession has the same goal in mind; to better their surroundings and the people located in it. The men and women who perform these jobs are who let this country continue. Without them, we wouldn’t be free to voice opinions and make the changes we can.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Hacking; dangerous effects on the society

Hacking; dangerous effects on the society Abstract Hacking is just like a cancer that has very dangerous effects on the society. Today in this modern world, where measures have been taken to improve the security level in the distributed systems hackers have found a way to crack into systems and take away information. In this paper, I will explain you few aspects of hacking that has caused of its existence and few techniques through which we can minimise this. What are the different issues and motivations that arise in a person that he opts for hacking? Is money, thrill or something to break the rules inspires the hacker to indulge into such acts are discussed in this paper. This paper also gives you an insight to consider how important the network security plays to avoid hackers to steal away information that is very confidential. Measures are to be taken in order to remove these possibilities. In recent years we have seen a drastic change in the field of IT, where electronic commerce, email, online shopping, online banking, information bank of numerous data, software development has improved leaps and bounds. As the technology has increased to new heights the hackers have found a way to get easy money. They find ways to get into government confidential files, personal banking details, steal away their money from the banks, implant a Trojan or virus into different computers to make them vulnerable to work. In this paper I have thrown some light on hackers skills, their perspective, their targets. Introduction Hacking according to oxford dictionary means to gain unauthorized access (to data in a computer). Banks defines hacking as something that boring mainframe computer operators did to improve performance and battle boredom. [1]. Here a bank focuses on boredom as the reason of hacking. Darlington believes hacking is not limited to accessing data or information but also includes an attack on the privacy of all people [5]. Almost all different opinions agree on the illegality of hacking. On the other hand the word hacker is the agent of hack or hacking and it was defined as a person who enjoys accessing files whether for fun, imposing power or the interest related to the accessed files or data according to Taylor [8]. While Marotta has a negative view of the hacker as a data lord, a barbarian who takes what he wants [9]. Himanen defines hacker as any person who performs illegal actions whether they were related to computer or not which means the usage of a device apart from its functionality. Seems hacking according to Himanen is related to any illegal or unauthorized action [7]. Clear from the definitions mentioned above that there is a controversy that encounters the judgment and definition of hacking, controversy aroused because its hard to decide exactly what the aim is behind hacking or how to know the mentality of the hacker. Thats why the ethics and motivation of hackers should be paid attention and discussed then understanding the hacker will be much easier. Who is the hacker? According to Taylor, Hacker can be anyone who has knowledge of things; he can be a graduate or a computer professional working at a multinational company. He can be one amongst us. A is part of the society, a computer professional who wants to use technology for his own benefit [11]. Hackers are experts and professional people who first enjoy the technology and through research and development they gain more interest and you never know when this curiosity of technology changes into crime. People must realise that the technology is good lest it is used for the countries benefit, but it has adverse affect when things turn upside down, that the hackers learn this technique in order to gain profits for themselves through illegal ways. Levy described hackers in regard to the history; she divided the life history of hackers into three generations: the first generation of hacking was made of experts of computer programming who never stopped improving their skills then misuse them, the secon d generation was made of computer hardware developers who found hacking and accessing data and information for free as an appealing idea while the third generation included developers of games architecture [8]. And I think the fourth generation of developers are those who know about computers and have just enough knowledge about computer programming. Pipkin classification of hackers depends on the functionality, in other words the classification depends on the way hacker interacts with what is being hacked. Hackers were classified into three different types; the first type is called In-house hacker. An in-house hackers actually works inside the company, who knows the system security, has access to all the features. His motivation to hacking might be because he wasnt recognised as a potential candidate for promotion or because he was betrayed by his fellow colleagues. The second type of hackers is a super hacker who doesnt interact with the system, but remotely monitors all the movements or the data transactions that are going on and depending on the situation and the amount of money that is being transferred he then changes that transaction into his account. And finally, comes the professional hacker, he is very strong and capable of getting any type of data from anywhere, he has the ability to manipulate things and change them t o his benefit, programming Trojans and software that get installed on the system through hidden window and then sits on the system[10]. Motivations behind Hacking: Hackers psychology and the fuel that encourages him/her to perform such illegal activities, also because hackers view about what they are doing is far different from our views as victims Furnell ([6] Pipkin, in his paper Halting the hacker, says the challenging part of the hackers personality as the biggest motivation; this means that the hacker feels the joy and excitement when hacking systems that are provided with the almost perfect security tools [10]. One of the main reasons for hacking is excitement where hackers find adrenalin rush to break the law, to find an easy access to earn money by hacking crucial information of the customers by creating unreal shopping websites and obtaining payment details, credit card details. Furnell judged hackers depending on the harm they cause whatever was their motivation, because hacking is a disease and should be removed so that the effect of hacker attacks will be minimized [6]. The motivations behind hacking are an issue that is discussed heavily due to the importance of understanding the An ethical hacker attempts to duplicate the intent and actions of malicious hackers without causing harm. Ethical hackers conduct penetration tests to determine what an attacker can find out about an information system, whether a hacker can gain and maintain access to the system, and whether the hackers tracks can be successfully covered without being detected. The ethical hacker operates with the permission and knowledge of the organization they are trying to defend and tries to find weaknesses in the information system that can be exploited. In some cases, to test the effectiveness of their information system security team, an organization will not inform their team of the ethical hackers activities. This situation is referred to as operating in a double blind environment. To operate effectively, the ethical hacker must be informed of the assets that should be protected, potential threat sources, and the extent to which the organization will support the ethical hackers efforts. Hacker and Ethical Hacker Characteristics and Operation: Hackers can be categorized into the three general classes of black hats, gray hats, and white hats. A black hat hacker or cracker has the necessary computing expertise to carry out harmful attacks on information systems. A gray hat is a hacker with a split personality. At times, this individual will not break the law and, in fact, might help to defend a network. At other times, the gray hat hacker reverts to black hat activities. The white hat individual usually has exceptional computer skills and uses his or her abilities to increase the security posture of information systems and defend them from malicious attacks. This individual might be an information security consultant or security analyst. Entities that perform ethical hacking functions for organizations usually fall into one of three categories: white hats, former black hats, and independent consulting organizations. The white hat ethical hacker has the appropriate computer skills and understanding of the black hat hacker mentality and methods. This person might be an independent consultant hired to perform ethical hacking activities. The former black hat hacker is, we might hope, reformed and brings actual black hat experience to his or her work. There is a concern about this individual in that you can never be certain that he or she will not revert to their former malicious activities. The third category of ethical hacker is taken by consulting companies that perform a variety of services for organizations including accounting, auditing, and information system security. Related Types of Computer Crime and attack: Different kind of hacking attacks are considered as computer crimes. The following is the list of crimes which are committed frequently: Password Hacking. Hackers find a way to illegally hack into the passwords of users of federal bureau, banks in order to gain benefits from them. Network intrusions. Malicious Trojan, worms and viruses to gain access into the information systems. Cheat. Illegal use of people identities such as credit card details. Software piracy. Illegal copying and use of software Viruses. Viruses, Trojan horses and worm cause the computers to become more vulnerable and susceptible to hardware damage. IP address spoofing. Disguising the IP address and using that to gain illegal access into countries most confidential files. Money Laundering Illegally acquiring funds through the manipulation and falsification of financial statements and illegal transactions. Data-modification. The modifying all the data. Smuggling of files. Gain illegal access of confidential files including bodies like military/government networks, communication systems, power grids, and the financial community Pipkin lists a number of hacking attacks that are most commonly used in breaking system and causing disruption and damage for services. These attacks can be summarized as following [10]: Software piracy is a criminal offense. Many hackers have indulged in making copies of software and selling them to gain profits on their own. The companies who develop these software will have to bare all the losses only because of someone who is illegally misusing software. Stealing confidential files through illegal access of the companies most confidential files. Hackers have many such motives, few of them like denial of services to the user and to make hardware conflict, making unwanted popup, causing trouble, terrorism. Taylor listed the main characteristics of hacking attacks in three points [8]: Simplicity: means that the attack should be simple in appearance but the effects are impressive and the results will be as pleasing to the hacker as what he planned for. It means that do your job in a smart and easy way. Mastery: the methods used in hacking contain sophisticated knowledge which is difficult for anyone to understand. The reason behind mastery is to make sure that the hacker is the only one who can solve the problem being caused. Illicitness: means that the act is against all rules and laws. Conclusion: Earlier hackers were considered to be genius because they helped in many ways in the development of computers and internet technology as such, but in this modern world where personal benefit has played a major importance in ones life, people are often attracted to things they can do and gain through illegal entry into people privacy and using for their own benefits. Different motivations and opinions have been discussed in this paper, but if we consider them as a person they are a live example of genius because of their abilities of doing the unbelievable and unachievable by getting more involved into the programming and understanding the loop holes in the security systems. I think because of these, scientists and researchers have spent lots of technology to improve the systems security and make them more secure so that no illegal access can be gained. In my own view understanding the different perspective of a hacker, we can develop a much more secure and much more sophisticated environment and provide a safer world for transactions and online shopping. The bad things of them should be taken into good only to benefit our country and its progress. Bibilography: Banks, Michael A. (1997), Web psychos, stalkers, and pranksters: How to protect yourself online. Arizona (USA). Chakrabati, Anirban and Manimaran, G. (2002), Internet infrastructure security: A Taxonomy, IEEE Network, November/December 2002, P.13. CNET (2001), FBI hack raises global security concerns Crucial paradigm (2003), Hacking attacks-How and Why. Darlington, R (2001), Crime on the net Furnell, Steven. (2002), Cybercrime: Vandalizing the information society, Boston; London: Addison-Wesley. Himanen, Pekka. (2001), The hacker ethic and the spirit of information age, Great Britain. Levy, Hacker: Heroes of the computer revolution, Hackers: Crime in the digital sublime. Hackers: Crime in the digital sublime Halting the hacker: A practical guide to computer security Taylor, Paul A. (1999), Hackers: Crime in the digital sublime, London.

The Possibilities of Expanding the Business into New Overseas Markets E

The Possibilities of Expanding the Business into New Overseas Markets As international marketing consultant of Mackie’s of Scotland, the ice cream maker, it is my duty to consider the possibilities of expanding the business into new overseas markets, successfully. The Scottish ice cream market will be researched thoroughly. The UK target market of Mackie’s will be analysed. Finally a suitable country will be chosen to market the product to. The countries that will be selected from will be Saudi Arabia, Germany or Ireland. The UK ice cream market is estimated to be worth  £1.25 billion. Mackie’s of Scotland have been making ice cream in Aberdeenshire since the 1960’s, although they have been farming since before the turn of the century. Ice cream has been in existence since 618A.D but is rumoured to have been invented in 200B.C in China. The first documentation of ice cream in Britain is dated in 1672 during the reign of Charles II. The uniqueness of Mackie’s ice cream is that firstly it is made in Scotland, it is made with the help of Jersey and Angus cows, it is run by a Scottish family/workforce, Mackie’s is the market leader in Scotland with 45% of the market and has an 11% UK wide market. Mackie’s aim is to strengthen its UK market position and then look into potential export opportunities. These factors mean that the company and product are idea and ripe for expansion into foreign markets. Mackie’s trademark symbol is a milkmaid milking a cow in a field. The traditional flavour of the ice cream is represented by blue packaging. It is not called vanilla but simply traditional. No flavours are added to Mackie’s Traditional. Other flavours in the range include Honeycomb Harvest, Strawberry and Cream, Caramel Choc Mint, Absolutely Chocolate as well as Organic Ice Cream. Traditional is available in 120ml tubs, 500ml, 1 litre, 2 litre, 5 litre and 10 litre tubs. Honeycomb Harvest, which has orange, blue and white packaging, is available in all sizes except 2 and 10 litre tubs. Strawberry and Cream, which has red, blue and white packaging, is available in all sizes except 500ml, 2 and 10 litre tubs. Caramel Choc Mint, which has green, blue and white packaging, is available in 1 and 5 litre tubs. Absolutely Chocolate, which has brown, blue and white packaging, is available in all sizes except 500ml, 2 and 10 litre tubs. O... ...he market. The Saudis use Riyals the Germans and Irish operate on Euros. The country that I would choose to market the ice cream to would be Ireland. Politically Scotland and Ireland use similar techniques, they trade with similar countries, agriculture and industry are the main sources of income. Economically Ireland is stable. The amount of tourists that visit Ireland is quite phenomenal and it would be an opportunity wasted if Mackie’s don’t enter the market there. Ireland has a low population which could be seen as a good attribute, this is because Mackie’s are already market leader in Scotland, which has a population of 5 million. Therefore 2.8 million people to target would be relatively cheap, and another market could belong to Mackie’s. Technologically Ireland is advancing. However only ice cream giants like Wall’s will have far superior ice cream making equipment than Mackie’s. Technology advances in the country could help Mackie’s in Scotland. I feel that Saudi Arabia would not accept the product with specific Scottish branding. Germany being a very nationalistic country would also reject the ice cream as they would favour German brands of ice cream.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Comparing Walt Whitman and Ralph Emerson :: comparison compare contrast essays

Comparing Walt Whitman and Ralph Emerson Walt Whitman is Jay Leno and Ralph Emerson is Ed Hall. Walt takes the instructions announced by Emerson and runs gallantly with them making beautiful and insightful poetry. Walt Whitman and Ralph Emerson spoke out in an age where society was not ready for such dramatic writers. Whitman uses several of Emerson's topics and styles to be that good poet. Whitman elaborates on the characteristics of a poet, freedom, children, and animals. In order to understand any comparison of the two author's one must first read and comprehend that Emerson's writing are clearly an instruction manual that Whitman adopts in order to become an outstanding poet. Emerson believes we must, "look in vain for the poet whom I describe. We do not, with sufficient plainness, or sufficient profoundness, address ourselves to life, nor dare we chaunt our own times and social circumstances. If we filled the day with bravery, we should not shrink from celebrating it. Time and nature yield us many gifts, but not yet the timely man, the new religion, the reconciler, whom all things await" (Emerson 1653). Emerson is stating how everything can be a poem and a poet can reflect on valuable resources like nature to draw on and write. Whitman clearly uses this guide in order to write his poetry. He agrees that nature is a valuable tool. In addition, Whitman elaborates that any person and any nature is in itself poet and poem. He thinks America is full of poets. Whitman reflects saying, "I celebrate myself, and what I assume you shall assume, for every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. I loafe and invite my soul . . . houses and rooms full of perfumes . . . the shelves are crowed with perfumes" (Whitman 2743). Whitman expresses himself and how he wants others to take notice and realize poetry is all around. People want freedom, and this characteristic is a focus in both poet's works. In Emerson freedom is referred to as, "the ancient British bards had for the title of their order, 'Those who are free throughout the world.' They are free, and they make free"(Emerson 1657).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Human Gene Therapy Essay -- Genetics Science Biology Essays

Human Gene Therapy Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was discovered in 1944 by Avery and colleagues. Avery identified DNA as the primary genetic material. Watson and Crick later discovered the double helix structure of DNA. Leder and co-workers deciphered the triple nucleotide code that designated the amino acids from which proteins were built. The science of molecular biology was born (Sokol, Gewirtz, 1996). In 1990 a four year old girl who was suffering from severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) was the first to undergo gene therapy. White blood cells were removed from the girl and the cells were inserted with normal copies of the defective gene and returned into the girls circulation. Her condition improved with four treatments and follow-up treatments (Anderson, 1995). Cystic fibrosis (CF), the most common fatal genetic disease among Caucasians in the United States, afflicts about 30,000 people worldwide. The faulty gene, CFTR, transfers salts across cell membranes, which causes mucus buildup in many t issues, particularly in the lungs. Infections lead to early death, usually by age 30. Cystic fibrosis currently has no effective treatment. Since the cystic fibrosis gene was cloned in 1989 this has led researchers to look for treatments through gene therapy ( Stanford, 1996). CF appears to be suitable for treatment by gene therapy: It is a monogenic, recessive disorder; The function of the CFTR gene product is known, facilitating measurement of gene transfer; The principal target cells, the airway epithelia, are accessible by minimally invasive procedures; Several transgenic mouse models for developing and testing procedures prior to clinical evaluation are available; here is a relatively large cohort of patients wil... ...l. Nichols, E. K. Human Gene Therapy. 162-164. (Harvard University Press, 1988). Schmeck, H. 1991. The future of genetic research. Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Sokol, D. L., A. M. Gewirtz. 1996. Gen therapy: basic concepts and recent advances. Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression, 6(1):29-57. Walters, L. 1996. The Ethics of Human Gene Therapy. Nature 225-227. Gene Therapy for Human patients Information for the General Public. 1990 Department of Health and Human Services. Public health Service National Institutes of Health. Genzyme, Spector, R.; M. A. Malone. 1996. Stanford University Medical Center Office of communications.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Censorship of Lord of the Flies Essay

Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, is a novel about a group of school boys, whose ages range from six to twelve years old. The boys’ plane crashes on a nameless, uninhabited island in the middle of the ocean. At first the boys struggle to get along, but after they choose a leader the boys begin get along. The leader, Ralph, is chosen because he found a conch shell which he blew into and all of the boys followed the sound of the conch and are reunited. Jack is another main character in the book. He is the antagonist to Ralph in the way that Jack disagrees with Ralph a lot. Jack and Ralph fight throughout much of the book, however they do agree on the need for food and a fire. The fire was Ralph’s idea and he wants someone to tend the fire all the times; Jack volunteers himself and the rest of his choir. But, Jack also volunteers to be the hunting group. Jack spends all of his time hunting and the fire goes out. Ralph is livid with Jack. Jack tells Ralph that he will catch a wild boar, and then he won’t be so mad. When Jack finally does catch the boar, everyone goes mad with excitement, for all of the boys are starving. The book describes the boys as becoming savages at the sight of the cooking pig. Also, Jack spears the boar’s head and puts it on a stake. This is what the lord of the flies is. This is a direct connection to the title by which is means that the â€Å"monster† that had been scaring them was really inside of them the whole time. Jack later mistakes Simon for the beast and he (Jack) and many of the other boys chase down Simon and kill him. Over, the next few days Ralph is opposed to Jack because Jack wants to be leader of the group. Jack orders hi ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬-s â€Å"men† to kill Ralph. Ralph flees through the woods and lands on the beach and looks up into the face of a coastguardsman. Ralph is the protagonist and a major character. However, Jack is a major character and the antagonist in the book. The theme in this book is civilization vs. savagery. There are two competing inclinations that humans are either naturally good or naturally bad. This bo ok suggests that man is naturally bad. Symbols in the book include the conch shell and how it shows power. Golding’s novel: Lord of the Flies has been challenged and banned in high schools because of derogatory language, profanity and the theme of the book. Although valid observations, these are not sufficient reasons to ban a book as good as this. To begin, Lord of the Flies has been banned in schools due to its poor  language. Lord of the Flies was challenged at the Olney, Texas Independent School District. (ALA) One of the passages that the school is referring to is, â€Å"Ralph waved the conch. ‘â€Å"Shut up! Wait! Listen!†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Golding 38). Piggy tried to talk over Ralph, but Ralph would have none of it. He waved the conch, which is a symbol of power throughout the book, in Piggy’s face. Shut up† is simply a forceful way to tell someone to be quiet. It is often used in under duress situations where there is lack of a better word. Ralph was sort of boasting about how he had all the power and Piggy didn’t have any. Another instance where bad language is present is when the boys kill the boar, Roger helps to attack Simon. The boys notice that Roger has speared the boar. The boys begin to chuckle as Roger takes his spear out of the boar’s rear. Roger pulls the spear out and says, â€Å"Right up her ass!† (135). This gave a great uproar from the sea of onlookers. Many children may have thought these phrases to be bad; however to high school students, these are not bad. â€Å"Shut up† is simply a forceful way to tell someone to be quiet. It is often used in under duress situations where there is lack of a better word. While this is not so bad, â€Å"right up her ass† is a little more vulgar. There is never a time that a high school student should use this phrase; however it must be understood that high school students can be very immature and they see things like this all the time. If a school wants to challenge a book, they should consult students and see what they think on the matter. Bad language isn’t the only reason this book has been challenged, the theme of this book is in question to some people. Another reason that the book is banned is because of the theme that it is defamatory towards human nature. Lord of the Flies was banned at Owen, North Carolina. High School in 1981becasue it is â€Å"demoralizing inasmuch as it implies that man is little more than an animal†(ALA). Many people in North Carolina and other places throughout the U.S. found this book very offensive in the fact that it exploited man’s natural way of thinking. Some people believe that evil is present in all humans, while others cannot begin to fathom the idea. A philosopher by the name of Thomas Hobbes was famous for this idea that man is truly evil at heart. As Hobbes said, â€Å"The life of man: solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short† (Lloyd). Hobbes’ philosophy on life and man, offends many people, especially those in North Carolina. Many people believe that man is good at heart. Lastly, profanity in Lord of the Flies is seen by many as a big deal. While people stretch it, there is a passage at the end of the book where it is seen as raping of a woman, when in reality, the boys are just killing a pig. People take it too far and possibly have tried to get this wonderful book banned simply due to the fact that they do not like it. They try and stretch the truth and get people to not like the book either. Lord of the Flies is banned in several places throughout America. The first amendment of the Constitution of the United States says: no to censorship. Censorship is the act of banning books or magazines based on their content. This is almost illegal. The lessons that this book teaches us are far more important than the few instances where bad language or profanity is used. Some high schools find the bad language, profanity and the theme of the book to be inappropriate for high school students to read while many others find the material inspiring and enlightening.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Animals Have Souls!

Alexis Clendenin Gabriel 21 March, 2013 English IV Senior Project Animals have souls. Should Animal Experimentation for Medical Research be banned? Throughout history, animal experimentation has played an imperative role in leading to new discoveries and human advantages. However, many people tend to forget the great numbers of animal that have suffered serious damage during the process of experimentation. Many people misunderstand the nature the lives that animals actually live, and are unable to understand the actual laboratory procedures and techniques.Animal experimentation should be excluded because it is inhumane, unethical, and there are safer ways to test products. According to the latest US statistics, â€Å"Nearly one million animals were tortured, mutilated and killed in US laboratories in 2009. †(Business Wire) The most common animals used for experimentation are mice, rats, rabbits, primates, dogs, cats; no animal is safe from experimentation. (PETA) Animals shoul d be roaming free, not lying in a cold cage not knowing what’s about to transpire upon them. In the laboratory, animals are compelled to inhaling, ingesting getting injected with lethal substances. PETA) Humans have stronger rights than animals since we can reason rationally. We use animals to eat them, play with them, and wear their skins. Most vital, we use them as test subjects for medical purposes. The research has led us to discoveries which have saved millions of lives. The outcomes have led to immunizations against polio, mumps, hepatitis, diphtheria, and rubella; which have saved countless lives. (Gale, 2) Researching animals is crucial for scientists, medical societies, and health agencies all over the world to enhance the lives of humans. Government regulations around the world require that new drugs, vaccines and surgical implants first be tested in animals for potential toxic reactions. † (Gale, 1) The testing of animals is the only guaranteed way we can con tinue our production of safe medicines. Without animal testing scientists cannot be optimistic that all medicines on the market are safe and reliable. To be helpful to human beings, the drugs should be tested using human cells, tissues, and organs. Recent technological developments made it possible to replace experimenting on animals.The use of cell culture, analytical technology, micro-organism tests, and computer models are some examples of additional approaches for medical research. (O’Neill, 2) Scientists only want to obtain the best results and that is why they test on animals. Animals and humans can have the similar medical issues. (Gale, 1)†Opposition to all animal testing would require a life without drugs, vaccines, painkillers, anesthetics, and surgery. †(Gale 2) If we didn’t have any treatments to any illnesses, would the human species survive? The answer is unknown.Every day in the United States animals are beaten, neglected, or forced to strugg le for survival. Left in unsanitary conditions with no food or water, they have little hope as they live out their days without the compassion they deserve. Some are found and rescued, given the chance to experience how great life and humans can be; others aren't so lucky. To grow as a nation, we must fight for these abused animals' rights and severely punish heartless owners. It is up to us to speak for these creatures who lack a voice, for who will if we don't?One of the first steps in protecting animals and creating effective cruelty laws is knowing what animal cruelty actually is. There are two categories: passive cruelty and active cruelty. The first involves acts of omission, meaning the abuse happens as a result of neglect or lack of action. Passive cruelty might seem less serious, but that is not the case; it can lead to terrible pain and suffering, and ultimately death. Examples include starvation, dehydration, untreated parasite infestations, inadequate shelter in extreme weather conditions, and the failure to get medical care.Passive cruelty is sometimes due to the owner's ignorance, so many animal control officers will first try to educate neglectful owners on how to properly care for animals before giving them a citation or placing them under arrest. Active cruelty, on the other hand, is more well known and disturbing. Sometimes referred to as non-accidental injury, this type of abuse involves purposefully inflicting harm on an animal in order to feel more powerful or gain control.Active cruelty against animals should be taken very seriously, since it can be a sign that a person has serious psychological issues and may commit more acts of violence – possibly against humans. It is hard to tell just what drives people to harm innocent animals. â€Å"According to a 1997 study done by the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Northeastern University, animal abusers are five times more likely to commit violent crime s against people and four times more likely to commit property crimes than are individuals without a history of animal abuse,† says Pet-abuse. om. It is vital to report people who hurt animals. Most animal abusers find some sort of fulfillment or power in torturing a victim they know can't fight back, which is why crimes like rape and child molestation are committed. While not all animal abusers become serial killers or rapists, it is important to take every case seriously. For example, Carroll Edward Cole was a West Coast serial killer who may have murdered as many as 35 women in the 1970s and was executed in 1985. Based on Cole's testimony, his first violent act was strangling a puppy.The Columbine school shooting is another example of animal abuse as a precursor to human violence. Before killing 12 classmates and then turning the guns on themselves, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebod had bragged to friends about mutilating animals. If these acts had been reported to authorities a nd taken seriously, these two young men might have been put in a proper facility and helped, possibly avoiding the horrific massacre. Given these examples, it's hard to imagine why all states don't take animal cruelty seriously. Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Mississippi, North Dakota, and South Dakota have no felony provisions for cruelty to animals.According to the Humane Society, a good felony anticruelty law should protect all animals, apply to first-time offenders, carry large fines and lengthy prison time, have no exemptions, require convicted abusers to get counseling at their own expense, and prohibit abusers from owning or living among animals. Along with these laws we need officials who will strongly enforce them. Police, psychologists, and even the FBI recognize the link between animal cruelty and violence against people. To better protect communities, all states should institute strong penalties and work to increase public awareness of these crimes.It's not only up to the lega l system to ensure that communities across the country are aware and educated about animal cruelty. There are plenty of things everyday citizens can do. The simplest action is for people to take care of their own pets and learn the facts so they can educate others on proper animal care. Another easy way to help is by donating to or volunteering at a local animal shelter. Contrary to popular belief, volunteering doesn't require a lot of time; simply going in a few hours a week helps tremendously.Finally, by writing letters you can remind your local lawmakers that animal abuse is a real problem that needs to be addressed. Taking a few minutes to support this worthy cause not only helps animals, it allows you to feel proud about standing up for something so important to society. It is our job to be the voice for creatures who cannot speak up for themselves. As a nation we need to make it our priority to come together and ensure the safety of our beloved pets. As Margaret Mead once said , â€Å"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. †

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Mental Health in Adolescents

Mental Health Service Use Among Adolescents and Young Adults With Major Depressive Disorder and Suicidality Amy H Cheung, M D Carolyn S Dewa, Objectives: Despite being recognized as a serious public health concern, suicidality among adolescents and young adults is frequently missed, and completed suicide remains the second leading cause of death for young Canadians. With such close links between depression, suicidality, and completed suicide, any intervention must address all 3 of these issues.However, to develop effective interventions, we must understand the types and rates of mental health service use among adolescents and young adults. This study examines service use rates in young Canadians with depression and suicidality and the influence of sex on the types of service provider chosen. Methods: We used data from the Canadian Community Health Survey: Mental Health and Weil-Being. Our sample included 619 individuals, aged 15 to 24 years, who screened positive for depression and suicidality in the past 12 months. We examined mental health service use rates in general and by provider type.Results: Among adolescents aged 15 to 18 years with depression, 40% had not used any mental health services. This rate was higher for adolescents with suicidality at 50%. In young adults aged 19 to 24 with depression, 42% had not used any mental health services. Among young adults with suicidality, 48% had not accessed services. Female adolescents and young adults were more likely to receive services from nonspecialty mental health providers. Conclusions: In Canada, many adolescents and young adults with depression and suicidality do not receive mental health services.Further, there may be a preferential treatment of young men by mental health specialists. Further research is needed to understand the quality of care received by these young Canadians and the factors influencing service use. (Can J Psychiatry 2007;52:228-232) Information on funding and support and author affi liations appears at the end of the article. Clinical Implications †¢ About 50% of adolescents and young adults with depression and suicidality do not use mental health services. †¢ Strategies to increase service use in youth with depression are needed. Strategies to decrease differences between the sexes in service use are needed. Limitations †¢ The quality of care could not be examined from the CCHS 1. 2 data. †¢ The survey results were based on patient recall. †¢ Although this was a national population-based study, the sample size was small. 228 †¢ La Revue canadienne de psychiatrie, vol 52, no 4, avril 2007 Mental Health Service Use Among Adolescents and Young Adults With Major Depressive Disorder and Suicidality Key Words: adolescents, depression, suicidality, service use, young adults D pression and suicidality (ideation and attempts) among adolescents and young adults are frequently unrecognized and untreated by any health professionals. ‘ N ot only are depression and suicidality often linked, but both pose a significant burden on patients and their families. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in youth aged 15 to 18 years, second only to motor vehicle accidents. ^ Further, almost 50% of teens who complete suicide have a diagnosable mood disorder, such as depression, and have expressed suicidality prior to completing suicide. ^^ There are also consistent differences between male and female adolescents, with male adolescents more likely to complete suicide and female adolescents more likely to have depression and suicidality. ^ Policy-makers, families, and providers have struggled to understand how to address this significant public health issue. A first step in addressing the issue is to understand the mental health service use pattems among adolescents and young adults with depression and suicidality.Given the differences in prevalence rates between young men and women, it is also critical to understand the in fluence of sex on service use in this age group. have a form of depression. ^ Further, according to a biannual survey of youth in the United States, more than 16% of US teenagers have had thoughts about suicide, and 10% had actually attempted suicide in the previous 12 months. ‘† We found similar rates in Canada, with almost 20% of teens aged 15 to 18 years reporting suicidality in their lifetime. † However, it is not known how many of these youth received mental health interventions.Given that depression and suicidality are so closely linked, it would be a reasonable first step to examine the rates of mental health service use among Canadian adolescents and young adults and, flirther, to look at which type of service provider they are seeing to address these problems. Therefore, this study examines the rates of service use in adolescents aged 15 to 18 and young adults aged 19 to 24 with depression and suicidality. We will also comment on how these service use rate s could be used to develop policies targeted at this population. MethodsSubjects The survey sample was drawn from the CCHS 1. 2. We examined a subsample of CCHS 1. 2 respondents aged 15 to 24 years. The total sample size for the CCHS 1. 2 is 36 984, with a sample size of 5646 for individuals between the ages of 15 and 24 years. Our subsample included 619 individuals who screened positive for a diagnosis of depression and (or) suicidality in the past 12 months. We examined the rates of mental health service use in general and according to provider type. Major Depressive Disorder. The diagnosis of MDD was evaluated in the CCHS 1. 2 through the use of structured interviews.The interview modules were drawn from the CIDI. ‘^ A diagnosis of MDD was derived from the CIDI. We used the 12-month estimates for MDD. Suicidality. Suicidal attempts and ideation were measured by using the questions on suicide in the depression section ofthe CCHS 1. 2 survey. Subjects were interviewed for sui cidality regardless of their screen for depression. Although there are significant risk differences between those with suicidal ideation and those with attempts, we combined these 2 groups in our analyses because of Statistics Canada reporting rules regarding rare events.Service Use. Service use for MDD and suicidality was measured with mental health service use questions. All service use was measured according to provider and place of contact in the following groups: GPs (nonpsychiatrist medical doctors), psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers or counsellors, and other professionals, including nurses, religious counsellors (such as ministers or rabbis), and naturopaths or other alternative health care practitioners. Service use for each of the groups was defined according to use and nonuse.Statistical Analyses The CCHS 1. 2 uses a stratified design with differences in sampling fractions across the strata, with some geographical 229 Several studies have examined the rates of m ental health service use by adolescents and young adults. However, most of these have been US-based studies. * These studies show that service use is less than 50% among adolescents and young adults aged 15 to 24 years* and that up to 80% of children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 years do not receive needed mental health services. Among adolescents with depression, 50% are not diagnosed prior to adulthood. * In Canada, the rates of depression and service use in Canadians aged 15 to 24 were examined in the Ontario Mental Health Supplement in the early 1990s,' which found the rate of service use in this age group to be less than 50%. However, aside from the supplement, no other Canadian study has examined the rates of service use by young Canadians aged 15 to 24 with depression.Therefore, even with the increasing recognition by policymakers and service providers that depression poses a significant burden on our youth and their families, there is very little research furthering our unde rstanding of this issue or helping to develop effective strategies to address it. Similarly, we know very little about young individuals with suicidality and their pattern of service use. US surveys have shown that more than 50% of youth who complete suicide Abbreviations used in this article CCHS 1. Cl CIDI GP MDD Canadian Community Health Survey: Mental Heaith and Weli-Being confidence interval Composite International Diagnostic Interview general practicitioner major depressive disorder The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, Voi 52, No 4, Aprii 2007 Original Research Table 1 Twelve-month service use rates by provider type among youth with major depression and sutcidality Any service % (95%CI) Psychiatrist % (95%CI) GP % (95%CI) Psychologist % (95%CI) Social worker or counsellor % (95%CI) Other provider % (95%CI)Respondents Adolescents aged 15 to 18 years. suffered from major depression Male Female 56. 3 (34. 4 to 78. 1) 55. 9 (40. 7 to 71. 1) 45. 5 (21. 2 to 69. 9) 21. 4 (11. 2 to 31 . 6) 24. 6 (7. 2 to 42. 0) 30. 7 (17. 9 to 43. 6) 25. 2 (0. 5 to 49. 8) 16. 7 (7. 9 to 25. 5) 10. 8 (0. 9 to 20. 7) 39. 9 (24. 7 to 55. 0) 23. 9 (-0. 6 to 48. 3) 16. 4(8. 1 to 24. 8) Adults aged 19 to 24 years, suffered from major depression Men Women 52. 5 (37. 3 to 67. 8) 55. 6 (44. 3 to 66. 9) 28. 9 (15. 3 to 42. 5) 26. 1 (18. 0 to 34. 2) 37. (22. 2 to 51. 9) 45. 9 (35. 3 to 56. 5) 33. 9 (19. 2 to 48. 6) 21. 9 (13. 4 to 30. 5) 17. 6 (7. 8 to 27. 5) 29. 1 (20. 3 to 38. 0) 9. 5 (1. 9 to 17. 1) 21. 1 (12. 7 to 29. 5) Adolescents aged 15 to 18 years. suffered from suicidality Male Female 36. 5 (18. 4 to 54. 5) 49. 0 (38. 5 to 59. 5) 23. 3 (6. 3 to 40. 3) 19. 3 (10. 9 to 27. 7) 14. 7 (4. 4 to 25. 1) 27. 2 (17. 7 to 36. 7) 21. 7 (4. 5 to 38. 8) 21. 0 (12. 3 to 29. 8) 13. 2 (4. 2 to 22. 2) 31. 9(22. 1 to 41. 7) 16. 2 (-1. 1 to 33. 4) 15. 9 (8. 5 to 23. 3)Adults aged 19 to 24 years, suffered from suicidaiity Men Women 39. 5(27. 1 to 51. 9) 50. 8 (37. 0 to 64. 6) 22. 6 (12. 3 to 33. 0) 17 . 5 (9. 6 to 25. 4) 27. 9 (16. 6 to 39. 1) 41. 3 (28. 3 to 54. 3) 24. 1 (10. 9 to 37. 3) 24. 6 (14. 0 to 35. 2) 12. 8 (4. 9 to 20. 7) 20. 8 (11. 6 to 30. 0) 9. 3 (2. 2 to 16. 4) 16. 2 (7. 0 to 25. 3) areas under- or overrepresented in the sample relative to their representation in the population. Therefore, we used the weights recommended by Statistics Canada when conducting analyses.Rates of service use for mental health reasons were calculated for subjects with MDD and (or) suicidality in the past 12 months. Service use rates were examined according to provider type and the sex ofthe subjects. Chi-square tests were conducted to examine for differences between young men and women with depression and (or) suicidality. Results Among adolescents aged 15 to 18 years with depression, 40% (95%CI, 28% to 53%) had not used any mental health services. The rate was higher for those with suicidality, at 50% (95%CI, 41% to 59%).Most adolescents and young adults with depression were either not accessing services at all or accessing services for their mental health problems through one provider. Among those aged 15 to 18 years, 22% (95%CI, 11% to 33%) accessed services through one provider, compared with 20% (95%CI, 14% to 27%) of those aged 19 to 24 years. Among young adults aged 19 to 24 years with depression, 42% (95%CI, 33% to 51%) had not used any health services for mental health reasons. For those with suicidality, 48% (95% CI, 39% to 5 8%) had not accessed services in the past 12 months.As with those with depression, most of our sample with suicidality either did not access services at all or accessed services through one provider. Among those aged 15 to 18 years with suicidality, 21% (95%CI, 14% to 28%) accessed services through one provider, compared with 22. 12% (95%CI, 14% to 30%) of those aged 19 to 24 years. 230 Differences between young men and women were not found in the overall use of mental health services. Service use by type of provider and sex are show n in Table 1.However, female adolescents aged 15 to 18 years with depression were more likely to use services from social workers and (or) counsellors, compared with male adolescents (female adolescents; 40% [95%CI, 25% to 55%]; male adolescents, 11% [95%CI, 1% to 21%]). Similarly, in young adults aged 19 to 24, a higher percentage of yotmg women saw social workers and (or) counsellors (women, 29% [95%CI, 20% to 38%]; men, 18% [95%CI, 8% to 28%]). For those with suicidality, female subjects in both age groups were more likely to use mental health services from GPs.Among those aged 15 to 18, 15% (95%CI, 4% to 25%) of male adolescents saw GPs, compared with 27% (95%CI, 18% to 37%) of female adolescents. Among those aged 19 to 24, 27. 9% (95%CI, 17% to 39%) of young men saw GPs, compared with 41% (95%CI, 28% to 54%) of young women. Overall, female adolescents and young adults with depression and (or) suicidality were more likely than male adolescents and young adults to use services fr om GPs (female subjects aged 15 to 18 years: x^ = 4. 53, dfl,P< 0. 03; aged 19 to 24: X = 14. 88, df 1, P < 0. 001) and from social workers and (or) ^ counsellors (aged 15to 18:^^=15. 54,dfl,P

Human Resource Management in the Public Office Essay

Is money the most important incentive tool in the public sector? Is performance-based pay an effective way to motivate employees to be more productive? Discuss the positive and negative benefits associated with broadbanded pay systems. The public sector mainly deals with the economic and administrative delivery of goods and services from the government to the nation’s people. Such a role requires true commitment to service and to the objective of improving the general welfare of individuals. Moreover, public servants uphold such commitments with a unique set of priorities that are not centered on material and financial gains but rather on what their capabilities and achievements could contribute to others’ betterment. This ideal may just as easily set public servants apart from members of the labor force that render their services for profit. This in consideration, financial rewards may not be the top priority of public servants but it is definitely an effective incentive tool across sectors from private to public. A way of granting incentive to employees is thru performance-based pay. This compensation scheme entails salary increases and rewarding of bonuses to employees that were able to achieve or surpass the goals related to their scope of work. Under such a scheme, employees become more motivated to produce high quality service with the end goal of producing evidently positive results. At the same time, since such a scheme requires that the salary increase be justified by the exemplary performance of the employee, there would be less incidences of increases and promotions made on the mere basis of office politics. Once it becomes evident to employees that they now have an equal playing field, this would additionally motivate them to prove themselves worthy of recognition and incentives. In line with effective human resource management, public sectors are developing broadband pay systems, which essentially implement broad pay ranges to groupings formed on the basis of like duties while maintaining high flexibility in order to cater to the needs and demands of a diverse workforce. Such pay systems may pose both advantages and disadvantages to the employees and agencies. An example of advantages to the employees is that the method of grouping may provide an opportunity for their positions to be reclassified to a higher grade as indicated by the complexity and breadth of their responsibilities. This would probably work in the favor of an employee who handles several tasks that are usually performed by more than one person in some offices. Another advantage is for the part of government offices because by utilizing high technology and efficient information systems to implement the broadband pay mechanisms, an optimized data gathering method shall be in place and process will be systematized. This would ultimately lead to more practical and efficient use of available human and financial resources, and big cumulative savings for the government. On the other hand, a disadvantage for the agencies could be that negotiations on job classifications or groupings might require them to disclose to labor unions sensitive information that might result to operational security concerns. How can an organization utilize employee benefits as part of its recruitment and retention efforts? How can an organization’s commitment to learning result in lower worker turnover? How do issues related to employee benefits and learning affect worker performance? Human resource is the best asset that any establishment could possibly have. Every day, a great number of organizations and establishments rise up or crumble by the excellence or mediocrity of their employees. In fact, any institution may employ the best possible technologies and may even be in the most dynamic and progressive industry but all these would not make the business a success if without talented and skillful employees. Thus to ensure the best possible recruits and the capacity to retain the most seasoned and esteemed talents, organizations build attractive compensation packages and employee development programs. By nurturing employees under these development programs and with attractive rewards, organizations hope to keep the loyalty of their talent pool and add new recruits that possess the same aptitude and skills. All these steps are taken by organizations under the knowledge that all employees would base their employer preferences that cater to their needs and growth t he most. Furthermore, these needs and growth expectations must be taken to mean not just financial benefits but more importantly how the organization could enrich one’s talents and allow him or her to maximize potentials. In order to nurture its talent pool, organizations may enroll their employees to various classes that teach or further establish the knowledge that they have related to the tasks that they perform in the office. Through these classes, employees develop a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction because they find that they are able to tap in to more of their potentials. Thus, with the knowledge that there are more things that they could learn and do, they find that they also have more to offer the organization that they are part of. By allowing their employees to grow into high potential individuals, organizations not only keep their employees loyal and their turnover rates low, they also gain from the enriched talents and skills that their human resources apply in their day to day work. An organization’s spending on training and development programs for its employees is part of its human resource investment. As with products sold in banks or stock market, or purchases of equipments by production companies, expenses incurred by organizations related to employee training are acknowledged with the expectation that they will bring forth returns to the organization by way of improved employee performances that lead to better working processes and achievement of the organization’s vision and mission. Pershing, Stolovitch, and Keeps (2006) further support the relationship between employee performance and learning by stating that the latter allows the workforce to become more connected to the organization through an increased knowledge of how better he could be of service, and that the nurturing process offered to these employees allow them to be better prepared for changes and more open to process improvements. In essence, all employees are practical individuals in that they stay in the organization that appreciate them the most and reward them sufficiently for the quality of work that they render. It is with this knowledge that organizations build progressive employee benefit and retention programs. These organizations know all too well that employees perform best under development and reward programs that offer holistic growth. Such growth pertains to several factors in the lives of an individual. Compare and contrast the difference in terminating workers in public organizations versus private companies? What at the implications of at-will employment for public sector workers? One of the major differences between public organizations and private companies is the objective or mission with which their workforce operates. As established earlier, public sector workers can be largely considered as volunteers for social, economic, and even political causes whereas the workforce of private companies are mostly there for profitable gains. This in mind, the mere concept of a decrease in the workforce in the public sector poses several challenges because it may not be easy for the organization to come by public servants who are willing to work for the same cause. One way in which the workforce of any institution is reduced is thru employee termination. Termination is the process by which the organization puts a stop to an individual’s membership or service to the organization against his or her will. There are various reasons why termination is imposed on an individual. It may be that the employee has violated certain organizational policies or ethical standards, or rendered unsatisfactory job performance, or may even have been because he or she had a conflict with his or her supervisor. On the other hand, the employee may also be subject to termination when the company undergoes a restructuring phase that necessitated downsizing in its workforce, or if the employee’s responsibilities have been found to be redundant. Employee termination occurs in both public and private offices but there are some notable differences. One such difference is that employees of private companies are often hired under contract whereas those working in public offices are often employed at-will, meaning that they do not have a formal employment contract binding him or her and the employer. Although all employees are protected by labor laws, employees in the public sector are more vulnerable to termination because of the at-will nature of their employment.